Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Natural Cleaning: Window Cleaner

We've tried a few different window cleaner recipes but so far, although we're still open to trying other recipes, this one is our favorite.

I say "our" because it's my daughter's job to clean all the bathroom mirrors every Saturday and my son's job to clean the glass sliding door and this recipe is by far their favorite ... and my favorite as well!

I choose to use the small spray bottles that only hold about 1 1/2 cups of liquid. This makes it easier for the little ones to help clean and go spray-happy!

Here's the recipe:

One small spray bottle
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 cups warm water

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Use a funnel to transfer some of the liquid to the spray bottle. Store the rest of the liquid in a glass jar for future use.

Essential oils such as Lemon or Sweet Orange can be added to this solution to add a refreshing aroma.

This is super cheap and works great for all those bathroom mirror stains!

*Note: If you're not comfortable using rubbing alcohol try using a simple mix of water and corn starch instead. One Tbsp of corn starch mixed into the water of a small spray bottle ought to do it. (I've read some great reviews about this simple, non-toxic, method as well.) The only down side to this solution is that, apparently, it doesn't store for very long without starting to smell.

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