Saturday, May 14, 2011

Recipe: Green Mousse

Green smoothies are a great way to get needed nutrients and to help alkalize our bodies - even if our smoothies aren't that green and are made up of mostly fruit with a handful of spinach.

Sometimes though, I have a hard time gulping down the green drinks. I'd rather feel like I'm eating it bite by bite.

Which is why I like this green mousse variation! Don't let the green color scare you away. It actually tastes quite good, it's not too sweet, it's nutritious and it helps to create a more alkaline condition within our bodies.

Here's the recipe:

Green Mousse
(makes enough for two large servings)

3/4 cup coconut milk or nut milk
(for nut milk: add about 1/4 cup nuts to blender
and 3/4 cup water and blend until smooth)
1 large avocado
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/8 cup frozen pineapple
Juice from one lime
Large handful of spinach
1 1/2 Tbsp oil of choice
(I used Udo's oil blend)
10 drops liquid stevia - berry flavor
(or other sweetener of your choosing)

Blend a few times until light and smooth.

Pour into a bowl and eat with a spoon!

*** Drop some berries or sprinkle some nuts or coconut flakes on top to add some chew-able food to it.

*** Come up with your own kind of mousse! The key ingredients are the avocado, spinach and less juicy fruits. (Adding the oil is a great benefit to the mousse as well, seeing as how it builds healthy well-rounded cells and helps us absorb the nutrients from the greens.)

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