Monday, October 25, 2010

Discovery: Raw Eggs

There's so much to say about eggs. The way I feel about raw milk and butter is the same way I feel about raw eggs.

First of all, when I look at the whole picture (concerning chickens and laying eggs) I can't help but feel that Heavenly Father, purposefully, provided us with these nutrient dense foods.

What else would the chickens do with all of the eggs they lay? (Besides hatching their eggs over and over again and creating an overpopulation of stray chickens.)

Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious and balanced live foods.

They are one of the few foods that contain everything necessary for life.

... They are a great source of high-quality protein and rich in vitamins and nutrients essential to health, including B vitamins, vitamins A, D, and E, essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), etc. In fact the only reliable and absorbable source of vitamin B12 are meats and eggs. Vitamin B12 is vital to a healthy nervous system and healthy blood.

And yet,

eating cooked eggs will not have the same affect as eating raw eggs. Supposedly, f

rom day one of eating raw eggs, a persons immune system becomes stronger and health will improve.

A reference from The Great Egg Panic by Emily Green states,

"Raw eggs are one of the best compact foods in nature. Eggs are the ultimate, complete fast food. However the protein in eggs is not utilised for cellular reproduction. They are utilised for regeneration and maintenance. The relationship between raw eggs and salmonella poisoning is a myth".

I agree with this statement. Along with studying Dr. Tennant's work here are some resources that have persuaded me:

I simply trust my instincts as to whether or not an egg may be bad by discarding any cracked eggs, bad smelling eggs, or abnormal or discolored egg whites or egg yolks. But, otherwise, I remember that chances of having an egg that has salmonella, especially from an organic and free range egg, is extremely rare.

Now, I myself, do not eat only raw eggs. But I do, about once or twice a week, make a raw egg drink. And when I do cook my eggs I make sure to cook them on a low setting and cook the egg yolk as little as possible so that it is better for me nutritionally.

Raw eggs can be included in shakes, home-made ice cream or in Bee's Egg Drink.

Here's the egg drink recipe: (concocted by Dr. Bee Wilder and touched up by me)

Bee's Egg Drink

3 large whole, cage free, hormone free eggs
2 Tbsps raw or organic butter (softened)
2 Tbsps coconut oil (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsps raw, organic Agave
2 to 2 1/2 cups boiling water
  1. Boil water.
  2. Put all ingredients in a blender except the water.
  3. Carefully pour in boiled water last [the amount of water can be more or less, depending upon whether you like a thin or thick drink].
  4. Close the cover well, pulse it at first, and then blend for 15-20 seconds.

This drink keeps well in a thermos for several hours, and it can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Since it tends to separate it may need to be stirred well or blended again before drinking it. If you prefer the drink cold, put it in the refrigerator to cool it down. Stir well before drinking it.

Image borrowed from:

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